Enable Remote Management via OS X Command Line

I had to re-image and re-configure a rebellious Mac Pro in one of our labs, but in the end forgot to enable Remote Management. Instead of wasting precious calories walking back to the lab, I found a way to enable it using terminal. Run these commands after SSH-ing into the remote machine:

cd /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Resources/

sudo ./kickstart -activate -configure -access -on -privs -all -restart -agent

Can’t install plugins/add-ons after CS6 installation via AAMEE

When you install CS6 using AAMEE, updates are disabled by default. If you feel the need to update anything in any of the Adobe applications, you’ll have to open AAMEE and create an update package installer. The only downside to this is that AAMEE searches the web for official updates, but not plugins or add-ons that are normally downloaded and installed manually. Thank goodness there is a simple workaround to all of this:

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Auralia couldn’t connect to the database

There will be an error trying to open Auralia after the image has been deployed. I don’t know why the problem occurs but after contacting Auralia support and conversing with them through email after a couple of weeks the error still persists.


The situation is that there is a corrupt database file. Every time a student logs in, Auralia cannot start unless it reads settings out of that db file.

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