Bind Macs to OD Server via Command Line

These command-line tools can bind your Mac to any open directory (LDAP) server.

UPDATE 1: You can do an authenticated bind by adding the -u and -p options. Its extremely useful when managing lots of Macs since it automatically creates the corresponding computer accounts in Workgroup Manager.

UPDATE 2: Use the -N option to assume “yes” when prompting to add certificates (OS X 10.9+ only).

sudo dsconfigldap -sfa -n "server_name" -u diradmin -p "p@ssw0rd" -N


1) Open Terminal

2) Run:

sudo dsconfigldap -sa -n "server_name" -N

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Reveal Mac OS X Firmware Password


Forgot the firmware password that you recently setup on your Mac? Look no further. The king of OS X himself, posted an article on how to crack Mac firmware passwords using Apple’s stock Calculator (assuming you have admin access). However, if you don’t feel like reading so much, you can simply copy and paste this Python script created by davidwtbuxton (and edited by Kessler) into Terminal and it’ll do all the work for you:

python -c "print ''.join(chr(int(c, 16) ^ 170) for c in '`sudo nvram security-password`'.split('%')[1:])"

Use your iPhone as a Mac keyboard & mouse


Answer: HippoRemote Pro from the iOS App Store

You might ask, “Why would anyone want to control their Mac with…an iPhone?” Allow me to explain. My wife usually gives our 7-month old son to me while she gets ready for the day (putting on makeup and all that stuff). However, I’m usually on the computer doing research and can’t really use the keyboard with baby on my lap. Enter HippoRemote Pro.

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Adobe Flash CS6 – AIR SDK version 3.4 is missing


This error came after installing CS6 on the lab computers manually (one-by-one). Usually if you’re in a local account like “admin” the error should fix itself the first time around, but when you’re dealing with user templates and student accounts, it’ll keep popping up every time Flash is opened. Definitely not what we want.

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Disk Utility – Couldn’t unmount disk


I came across this problem while trying to erase a partition on one of our file servers. After an hour or so of intense frustration, I came up with two ways to fix this..

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